Media memory-hole leaves us all suffering
If the the UK media is incapable of reporting today’s news in the light of what we learned yesterday, democracy is in trouble
If the the UK media is incapable of reporting today’s news in the light of what we learned yesterday, democracy is in trouble
A survey of children in Spain suggests that they may be best placed to implement a proper social policy response to the economic crisis.
Read More »Spanish children may have best economic recovery plan so far
Once again the western media has simply told the story the US Army wants told, about a lone gunman with personal problems who has nothing to do with the army, its methods or foreign policy.
Read More »Forget the dead Afghan children, empathise with their killer
Despite our purported love for democracy, the university debate shows that ‘senior people’ consider the idea of democracy to be all threat and no opportunity
The move towards a single police force for Scotland will only make it easier for private cartels to try and start breaking up a public police force so police services can be hived-off for profit
The gnashing of teeth over the failure of a retail-led economic recovery is the sound of the old order paralysed in a theoretical world where nothing works any more. Why is anyone still listening?
Read More »A retail-led recovery? Get back to school. Primary school.
It won’t take you long to skim this article but after you do you will be in a much better position to argue against George Osborne and the cut-business-tax-and-deregulate gang
Read More »Read this – so you know why the competitiveness stuff is wrong
Rather than reinforcing the same-old lies from the military and the state, now would be a good time for the British media to demonstrate some of the freedom over which it has been shedding crocodile tears at the Levenson Inquiry
Read More »A blood-soaked knife, gently wrapped in a fairytale
Perhaps military spin makes us feel slightly less bad about military atrocity. But that makes us more complicit, not ‘more innocent’.
Are all Vince Cable’s ideas stupid? If not, why does he keep withdrawing them?