Butterfly or dysfunctional caterpillar?
The Curriculum for Excellence was designed to be a transformation. Instead it looks too much like the old system with bits bolted on. Just don’t blame the teachers.
The Curriculum for Excellence was designed to be a transformation. Instead it looks too much like the old system with bits bolted on. Just don’t blame the teachers.
There is no crime which could justify the way the US goes about its system of ‘justice’. Rape, torture, slavery, executions, racial bias and rigged trials are a fundamental feature of the system. Why does Britain still go along with this horror?
Read More »US justice isn’t fit for a dog. Why won’t people say it?
Blaming universities for graduate unemployment is an intentional diversion from the real cause of youth unemployment. But we need to open up a much wider and better informed debate about what universities are for.
Read More »Neither a diversion nor a cause, but a big question
There will be few links made between the rape and murder of a Ukrainian girl and the involvement of the British security services in illegal rendition and torture. This just shows that justice for those deeply embedded into the state is non-existent wherever you go.
Read More »Poor Ukrainian or wealthy security service official, justice is justice
A report by the Centre for Economics and Business Research informs us that our Easter weekend is too expensive and that we need to work harder. The report is a sham, the arguments intentionally incorrect and the only possible response is derision.
Read More »Our holidays are ours – its the CEBR that needs some time off
Whomever is briefing that the SNP is going to U-turn on its opposition to Nato must be stopped immediately by the Party leader. If this speculation is allowed to continue, the inference that the left will draw may irreparably damage the Party’s support.
Read More »Salmond must end this Nato speculation – or pay the price
Claiming to understand ‘the Big Society’ and casually suggesting that we can’t afford universal social provision are quite the fashion. It is time for people to wake up and understand how the project to dismantle society really works.
Read More »Big Society fund – an abyss we would do well to avoid
The lazy analysis that has concluded the Bradford result ‘was about the immigrants’ is exactly the kind of patronising attitude that led to the result in the first place.
Our documentary is about the parallel decline in fortunes in Glasgow and Detroit, two cities that have seen social and economic downturns since the end of their heavy industry.
The obsession of ‘freedom of speech’ is in part a smokescreen to disguise our lack of ‘freedom to hear’. This crackdown on web freedom is simply another step towards a world where we can say what we want but only ever hear what we’re given.
Read More »It’s not really free speech that matters – hence the web crackdown