Union Solidarity International (USi) is a new international trade union initiative utilising and harnessing social media for campaigning. USi will utilise a sophisticated social media framework to maximise trade union members’ participation, interest and activity on the latest international issues which concern our Movement.
Visit our new website www.usilive.org
Trade unions know that it is increasingly difficult to maintain a strong media presence against the backdrop of the current economic, social and political conditions. New media gives us an opportunity to speak directly with people with an interest in our point of view.
A number of unions have already endorsed us and we look forward to working with more:
USi is looking for your participation and activity through the following ways: http://usilive.org/about/usi-supporters/
Articles, podcasts, video conferencing and other social media formats on the latest issues impacting on the labour movement and its membership (e.g. pensions, labour market reforms, collective bargaining).
Trade union educational materials that can be used for the development and curating of an online education library.
Follow us on our media streams.
Ideas for campaigns and participation in our forums after ‘joining’ USi to build a constituency of activists which can be mobilised for campaigns.
We look forward to working with the Jimmy Reid Foundation to strengthen the aims and objective of our Movement.