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‘Neo-liberalism and the new institutional politics of universities’ – paper now available

The Jimmy Reid Foundation launched its latest paper called ‘Neo-liberalism and the new institutional politics of universities’ by Jeremy Valentine (formerly Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh) at the UCU Scotland offices on 30 May 2019. The Foundation would like… Read More »‘Neo-liberalism and the new institutional politics of universities’ – paper now available

Launch of ‘Neo-liberalism and the new institutional politics of universities’, 30 May 2019, Glasgow

The Jimmy Reid Foundation will launch its latest paper called ‘Neo-liberalism and the new institutional politics of universities’ by Jeremy Valentine (formerly Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh) from 6pm-8pm on Thursday 30 May 2019 at the UCU Scotland offices, 4th floor,… Read More »Launch of ‘Neo-liberalism and the new institutional politics of universities’, 30 May 2019, Glasgow