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Update on Human Rights Protection in Scotland

–  recommendations to review and revitalise collective action

The Jimmy Reid Foundation

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About the author

Carole Ewart is a public policy and human rights consultant, member of JRF Project Board and convener of the Campaign for Freedom of Information in Scotland.


This follow up report calls for action on making rights real in Scotland in communities, for workers and in particular places such as in social care facilities. Human rights matter across all aspects of our lives including the right to life, respect for family life, liberty, the right to peacefully protest about matters which upset us, the right to join a trade union, the right to a home, the right to digital connectivity to enable us to fulfill our economic potential and as a way of inclusive communication for Scotland’s one million people who are Deaf and hard of hearing. There is understandable frustration on the extent of talking, the creation of processes which engage and harness people’s energy but the lack of tangible impact. Deeds not words count. Impact, not just statements matter. Read More…