Ahead of its official publication date of 20 May 2022, the Jimmy Reid Foundation (supported by UNISON Scotland) launched its major new publication, ‘A New Scotland: Building an Equal, Fair and Sustainable Society’ at a lunchtime fringe meeting on 27 April 2022 at the 125th Scottish Trades Union Congress in Aberdeen. Introduced by Lilian Macer, UNISON Scotland convenor, chapter contributors, Lynn Henderson (PCS), Douglas Chalmers (UCU) and Francis Stuart (STUC) gave overviews of their chapters while Stephen Smellie, UNISON Scotland depute-convenor provided a commentary. The book is available to order from our distributor, Calton Books of Glasgow – see here or via the publisher, Pluto Press – see here
Below (left to right), Lynn Henderson, Francis Stuart, Lilian Macer and Douglas Chalmers (photo credit: Pat Kelly)