On May Day, 1 May 2017, the day to celebrate wage-labourers of the world, the Jimmy Reid Foundation is pleased to publish its Quick Note called ‘A Manifesto for Labour Law: what would it look like in Scotland?’. Written by Professor Gregor Gall, this ‘Quick Note’ looks at how the Institute of Employment Rights’ A Manifesto for Labour Law might apply to Scotland and what hurdles exist to its implementation. It begins by laying out the context of the Manifesto before detailing its components such as the creation of a Labour Court and the right to sectorial collective bargaining. Then it moves to discuss the political conditions needed to implement the Manifesto per se and how this relates to the specific conditions relating to Scotland. It shows that far more radical change is needed than the SNP Scottish Government has been willing to accept with its Fair Work Framework (launched in April 2016).
The Quick Note can be accessed here.