A successful and productive exchange of views was held today at a 30-strong Jimmy Reid Foundation lunchtime fringe meeting at the STUC congress in Aviemore. Chaired by PCS national officer, Lynn Henderson, we heard Professor Mike Danson from Heriot Watt university give an overview of the Foundation report on the case against the renewal of Trident followed by a response from Richard Hardy, Prospect union Scottish regional secretary and John McInally, PCS National vice-president. The one overwhelmingly supported outcome was that, under the auspices of the STUC, the various defence unions should meet to i) establish what they have in common and ii) how to progress the establishment of a credible diversification strategy (including a well resourced diversification agency). Many thanks to the GMB, Prospect, UCU and PCS unions for providing the resourcing to stage the fringe meeting and those delegates at the STUC for attending.