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The politics of Europe are caught between anger and resignation.
But in Scotland a movement is emerging which offers not only a vision for the nation’s future but a message of hope for others.
Come to hear some of the key figures who are developing the philosophy for Common Weal at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, Wednesday August 21st 12.30pm, in the Spiegel Tent, George Street.
Our speakers are:
- Robin McAlpine, the Jimmy Reid Foundation Director, will introduce the Common Weal Project.
- Lesley Riddoch, writer and Nordic Horizons co-ordinator, will speak about what the Common Weal project has learnt from our Nordic neighbours
- James Meadway, senior economist at the New Economics Foundation in London, will look at Common Weal from an English perspective, and suggest how it can be a beacon to challenge economic dogma across the whole of the UK.
There will be plenty of time for Q & A afterwords.