In January this year, Professor Mike Danson – on behalf of the Jimmy Reid Foundation – gave evidence to the Scottish Affairs Committee of the Westminster Parliament. His evidence, along with others, has helped form the basis for the Committee’s recommendations to the Westminster Government, especially in the light of the report the Westminster Government commissioned from Matthew Taylor on modern working practices called ‘Good work’.
To strengthen the rights available to workers and employees, and enforcement of those rights, the Scottish Affairs Committee has recommended that the Westminster Government:
· extend the right to a written statement of terms and conditions to all workers;
· clarify employment status in primary legislation;
· create a right for workers who have been on zero hours contracts for 12 months to be able to request a contract which reflects actual hours worked;
· commission the Low Pay Commission to consider a higher minimum wage for hours which are not guaranteed;
· commission a study to assess the extent of unfair or illegal employment practices in Scotland;
· bring forward stronger and more deterrent penalties, including punitive fines, for repeat or serious breaches of employment legislation, and expand “naming and shaming” to all non-accidental breaches of employment rights; and
· work with trade unions to establish the current extent of blacklisting, and take action to eradicate it if is found still to exist.
The documentation leading the conclusion and recommendations can be found here and here. Mike Danson’s evidence can be found here. The JRF wishes to thank Mike Danson for stepping in to give evidence in person.